Linemen is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, but annually thousands of women and men still accept this challenge, even though it can threaten their lives every single day. Actually, this occupation is not for everyone. Do you think that you can meet all of the requirements to become a real lineman?
- You must have strong mentality and physicality
- Heights is a piece of cake
- It is a bet on your life too
- You must be always enthusiastic about the career
- You are a long life learner
1. You must have strong mentality and physicality
If you are weak or easy to be sick, this job is not for you. It is for an incredible mental and physical body because hailing gear, pulling thick cable and wire, and work during long hours all day and night will be a part of your life.
Every day is not the same, they have to move job sites frequently and work under different types of hash weather. Like a doctor when saving a patient's life, they are not allowed to have any errors when working with high-voltage lines. An error happening when tiring can cause death in this job.
2. Heights is a piece of cake
Linemen often work on the electricity pole, so they have to climb and climb in most of the working day. The height of an electricity pole can be more than 100 feet away from the ground, therefore, if you are afraid of heights, you are never able to work in this field. And it could be the joy for someone who would love to be on the sky-high for hours each day to see the beautiful views at work.
3. It is a bet on your life too
Actually, from a statistic in America only, linemen belong to the top 10 most dangerous jobs. In every 100,000 workers die by job accident, it accounts for 19 people. In any harsh weather condition or even natural disaster they are the first need to everyone. Thus, they are never absent in safety training sessions. These men and women should always be respected for what they have sacrificed for the society.
4. You must always be enthusiastic about the carrier
Committing yourself to the career is indispensable to linemen, they create a lifestyle from their job. Every pole in the world also has the mark of them, so for every project they join in, it should live up to their expectation to make them feel proud of what they do. Since a minor fault in the power line can become a bad day for a whole town or even to someone’s life. Thus it is extremely important for them to concentrate their total mind and time to make things right. For the difficult tasks they have to experience all day, linemen’s family must sympathize with them a lot and respect their career choice. They cannot always come home on time, some unexpected situations or emergent cases, severe weather demand them to work longer hours to have the job done. Because it is a stressful job, they need the support from family a lot to make them feel less stressed to fully commit to their occupation. Family should be their back to ease the hardness in working.
5. You are a long life learner
This job does not need you to have a phD or master degree, but you will need a lot of necessary skills to work on high-voltage lines overnight. You will have to go through four years of education and training as an apprentice before having enough qualification to be a real lineman. Most of the time you will be outside to observe and learn the essential skills for the job. At a local lineman school, a senior training specialist revealed that the dropout rate nearly reaches 65 percent, as many aspiring linemen realize that they are not suited for this career.
In the Bible, God said “Let there be light", maybe, it is the reason why he created a lineman. Indeed, they have sacrificed a lot to make our lives better to bring about a good living condition for everyone. Therefore, this job needs to be treasured in our lives. To show our grace to these brave men and women, we have a lot of awesome items for linemen. We are sure that when visiting our collection you can find the best gift for the bravest lineman. And do not miss out on the discount code: HA10 for 10% off for our new customers. We wish you love it.